Coworking in Europe Survey 2018-2019

The Deskmag Global Coworking Survey
 2018-2019 is out and focuses on the situation of the Coworking market in Europe. 

In 2018-2019,  coworking spaces in Europe keep becoming bigger, and are growing in every city category, from more than 1 million inhabitant to less than 100.000 inhabitants (…) The most mature coworking market in Europe is the UK (…) On average, coworkers pay 10€ per day in products or services within the surrounding shops and  businesses (…) The social atmosphere remains the number one value proposition expected by the members, no matter whether they are freelancers, employees or employers .”

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Initial results were presented at the Coworking Europe conference in 2018-19, November 14-16 in Amsterdam. is distribution partner of the Deskmag Global Coworking Survey.